Tackle Archive Log failure in RAC Environment

Tackle Archive Log failure in RAC Environment:-

Your database is in archive log mode and archiving works fine until suddenly connecting via SQLPLUS generates the following error:

 ORA-00257:  archiver is stuck. CONNECT INTERNAL only, until freed

  1. Frontend does not open up.
  2. Unable to connect to database through any user not even apps.
  3. Tools like TOAD, SQL-Developer do not connect to database.

The error states that there is an issue with the archive destination occupancy.

Check the archive destination by command:-
archive log list


Check if the archive destination is valid or not. With command:-
select * from v$archive_dest;


##Note that unlike Single node you won’t find a physical location in RAC instance. The environment I am showing example of is a 3 node RAC. Hence you can not delete or move the archive files manually.


Connect to RMAN:-
$rman target /

Check the archive logs with the command:-
RMAN> list archivelog all;

To delete the archive logs use:-
RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog all;

You may also delete selected archive log files.

Connect to catalog RMAN database and do the resync catalog:-

Use the command:-
alter system switch logfile;

Check the log destination again if the ERROR status has been removed:-
select * from v$archive_dest;

Perform a clean bounce and you are good to go.. .
:) :)

Author – Akash Pramanik
Database Administrator in IBM


  1. This is good stuf.
    Also pease give the command to delete selective archive log files by RMAN. Is there any option to move files to ther location.

  2. Very interesting. Keep it up.

  3. Very helpful.. Thanks.

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